Sunday Post: Belief Audit: What do I need to be whole mentally, spiritually, physically?


What do I need to Do to be fully healthy?

Based on the work of the late Bill Harris, founder of Centerpointe and Holosync Meditation, and the book, “Thresholds of the Mind”, I decided to do a “belief audit” and ponder the above question. To sit with it as Joe Dispenza teaches and see what comes up. We often think we need external “things” to feel better, supplements, food, medication. But what if we are holding on so tightly to our hope in the external we miss the role of spirit, energy, meditation, and inner work. Here is my stream of conscious written in my journal this am on the interplay between the external & internal.

Spent some time reflecting on what I need to be to be whole health wise and there was a strong sense that I needed something external, a supplement, ozone, brain detraining, etc to address some last mile issues.

I thought realizing my core belief was helpful as it clearly is ridiculous. Or at least only partially true. Jesus and many great teachers have shown us that spirit is far more powerful than matter. 

Which is it? Matter or energy?

It’s both

Best of both. Steward the temple as best you can but also do the work to realize any negative core limiting beliefs. Spirit and energy are higher than matter. But you need both.

If matter approaches (supplements, diet, etc.) aren’t working, explore negative core limiting believes that might be holding you back. Focus on awareness.

Could I just go all in on spirit and energy?

Maybe the best way to process is to ask an extreme question.

Would I stop eating? Drinking water?

I think the stronger our spirit or energy becomes we have greater elasticity: Jesus said “I have meat to eat you do not know of…” but he did eventually:

Eat. Drink. Sleep.

If you are stuck spiritually or energetically “material” only approaches will face headwinds.

Conversely, I have found “material” approaches like ozone, and supplements Lauricidin, G.I. Synergy, beef thyroid and beef adrenals super helpful. Game changers.


Either or is a false choice

Surrender is really important

And when matter has reached it’s limit you have to surrender and do the inner work. Spirit and energy are the master keys in hierarchy, but not the only ones.

Water cures dehydration. Vitamin C cures scurvy. Matter matters.


Exclusive attachment to either spirit or matter brings suffering

For a time or a season, we may have to emphasize one more than the other, and when we have tried matter and it has not worked, we have to turn inward and examine ourselves for any “negative core beliefs” or stuck energy.


And when all else has failed, we need to surrender to spirit and do the work.

When we are attached to matter or material only approaches we may need to surrender them for a season and focus on spirit, energy, and surrender. 

Another deep question: Do I really believe spirit or energy will work or am I just intellectually ascending that they do?

Could I just heal my last mile gut and sleep issues with just spirit or energy meditation and breath work?

Questions to help bring clarity: Is it helping? Are you making progress? Are you attached to the approach you’re taking? Has matter reached its limits? Could you do the best of both?


It’s more an interplay between Matter & Spirit/Energy versus one or the other. 

Ask your body and spirit what do you need without attachment. And follow that voice. Course correct as needed. The beauty is the interplay and journey.

Matter can be like a good friend who comes along and share the journey with you. However, holding onto tightly brings codependency and dysfunction.


Embracing the interplay and tension with curiosity and surrender as necessary is the key

Enjoy the journey

Eric ShaddComment